半食宿 (午餐和晚餐)
Half board is a fairly common type of food in both urban and resort hotels. It involves two meals a day. Most often — breakfast and dinner, the option "breakfast + lunch" is less common.
半食宿 "早餐午餐"
Half board is a fairly common type of food in both urban and resort hotels. It involves two meals a day. Most often — breakfast and dinner, the option "breakfast + lunch" is less common.
半食宿 "早晚餐"
Half board is a fairly common type of food in both urban and resort hotels. It involves two meals a day. Most often — breakfast and dinner, the option "breakfast + lunch" is less common.
The Full Board type of food includes three meals a day: you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the hotel. Most likely, a buffet system is waiting for you, which will allow you to choose your own dishes and involves an unlimited number of approaches.
Half board with drinks ( HB + )
Half board is a fairly common type of food in both urban and resort hotels. It involves two meals a day. Most often — breakfast and dinner, the option "breakfast + lunch" is less common. HB+ means that your meal plan includes free drinks not only at breakfast, but also at dinner. At the same time, most hotels include only water and juices in half-board, but you still have to pay extra for alcohol. This type of food is suitable for those who do not want to worry about dinner and go outside the hotel to eat.
Full board with drinks ( FB+ )
The Full Board type of food includes three meals a day: you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the hotel. Most likely, you will find a buffet system that will allow you to choose your own dishes and involves an unlimited number of approaches. With drinks, as in the case of half-board, there are options: if there is a + next to the letters FB, they will be included in all three meals.
Parking space
Car parking place at the Richmind Hotel
- 平面电视
- 空调
- 灯
- 吹风机
- 电冰箱
- 浴室用品套装
- 卫生间
- 水槽
- 淋浴房
- 城景房
- 山景
- 无线网络
- 电话
- 客房电话
- 镜子
- 桌子
- 椅子
- 床头柜
- 衣柜
- 水壶
- 无烟房间
- 纱窗
- 暖气
- 饮用水
- 玻璃杯
- 电视
- 淋浴帽
- 卫生用品套装
- 香皂
- 淋浴
- 浴缸或淋浴
- 化妆品套装
- 高级洗护用品
- 浴衣
- 浴室用品
- 拖鞋
- 衣架
- 更衣室
- 遮光挡板
- 餐桌
- 椅子
- 工作台
- 大床房
- 瓶装水
- 地毯
- 咖啡和茶几
- 客房服务
- 洗衣服务(收费)
- 冷藏柜
- 茶具
- 客房部
- 高级美容产品
- 随取随用(额外收费)
- 隔音室
- 毛毯
- 茶和咖啡套装
- 洗衣房(额外收费)
- 床头柜
- 两张单人床
- 两张双人床
- 三张单人床
- 四张单人床
- 五张单人床
- 三张全尺寸床
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